Friday, January 21, 2011

how book connects our hearts

he hates me when i read

and i loathe him for that

yet our hearts connect through it

life of pi, he brought
when i almost forgot about a life story i've heard
about a boy named pi, and a bengal tiger named richard parker
on a dingy across the pacific ocean

a thousand splendid suns, he presented
a miserable life of maryam and laila
afghanistan when taliban rules after the soviet invasion
last, the white tiger he surprised me with
even with the better blackish cover
even when i've already pre-ordered and then abruptly cancelled it
when i've yearned for the book for the last 2 months


just could hardly wait
for the next mystery book to come


still, he despises me when i read books
and i detest him for that

*photos' source: internet

Saturday, January 15, 2011

hear the wind sing...

"Haven't sensed the sweet breath of summer for long. The sweetness of the waves. The faraway steam whistle. the touch of girl' skin. the lemon smell of hair conditioner. the evening wind. Faint hope. Summer dream... all disperse bit by bit like the bygone days."
(hear the wind sing, haruki murakami)

*the paragraph made me yearn for the book [sigh]